Skill videos
The skills videos are a cross disciplinary resource intended to be useful to the whole community. These will include key skills for geochemistry, such as a range of videos on mass spectrometers, ranging from introductory videos through to advanced skills in specific systems. In addition, how to correctly interpret and handle data from isotopic reference materials, where these materials are derived and how they should be presented in your study, details about the facilities involved in GAEA and how to access supported analyses at each. We are also hosting some videos on specific topics in our “how to investigate” series and would be delighted to hear from you if you would like to co-create an open access resource with us. Videos focussed on issues within the earth sciences are also in production, and these will be highlighting topics such as field work, how to handle issues within your research team, and how to handle menstruation in the field. Please contact us with suggestions or potential collaborations: Millie.Bompard@glasgow.ac.uk