Scientific Glassblowing
March 21, 2025
The Art and Science of Glassblowing at SUERC This fascinating video explores the vital role of scientific glassblowing in modern research, [...]
See moreThe Geo-Biosciences Advanced E-Learning Academy: A NERC supported online learning space dedicated to geochemical, biochemical and geochronological methods for UK science.
Unlock the Power of Stable Isotopes for Your Research! Are you planning to use stable isotopes in your research? Whether you’re new to the field or looking to strengthen your foundation, this course is your essential first step. In just one hour of video content, you’ll gain a clear understanding of isotope geochemistry, how […]
Learn more about this courseUnderstanding the age of formation of glacial landforms is essential for providing context to modern rates of change in glaciated landscapes, and the extent of human impact on the changing Arctic, Antarctic, and high altitude environments. By quantifying the nuclides produced in rocks by cosmic rays we can determine how long a rock has been […]
Learn more about this courseThis course will focus on the use of stable isotopes to understand modern ecology. We will cover experimental design, sample collection and analysis, and best practise for data management. We will focus on a range of trophic studies to compare urban and rural habitats and diet, and this affects population health. We will use the […]
Learn more about this courseLearning aims: This course will demonstrate best practice for the collection and analysis of geological samples that can be dated using the Ar-Ar method. It provides the theory behind the technique and the practical knowledge to collect, analyse and interpret data resulting from Ar isotope analysis. Learning outcomes: At the end of this course, students […]
Learn more about this courseThe Geo-Biosciences Advanced E-Learning Academy is a project led by the National Environmental Isotopes Facility and the British Ocean Sediment Core Research facility. These facilities have created bespoke courses, each focussed on a specific analytical method. The curriculum for each course covers all aspects of analysis from planning sample collection, how to store and prepare samples, the details of analytical procedures and how to correctly evaluate, calibrate and publish data. In addition to the courses, a selection of key skills for science videos are included, and will be supplemented with webinars and presentations, all supported by a online community with contributors from each of the facilities.
Courses are currently provided free to all users, those with an active .ac.uk email address can access instant enrollment, users from non-UK institutes can also access all resources for free, but an additional registration step is required, use the contact form for details.
In-depth and easy to follow study material
Count towards your CPD
Community support
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Free to enrol
More dating courses are coming soon
March 21, 2025
The Art and Science of Glassblowing at SUERC This fascinating video explores the vital role of scientific glassblowing in modern research, [...]
See moreUse the menus to show which courses are currently open for enrolment, the K-Ar and Ar/Ar geochronology course will be the first to launch in October 2022, closely followed by bespoke courses from the NEIF Cosmogenic Nuclide laboratory, Uranium Geochronological methods, the use of stable isotope analysis in modern and ancient ecology, as a tool for the interpretation of long time series records from sediment cores, and within modern environmental studies. There will be additional courses from BOSCORF covering the recovery of an access to sediment core samples, and the use of non-destructive core scanning techniques. We will be adding further courses covering the use of radiocarbon in environmental and archaeological studies, the developing applications of compound specific characterisation studies across the environmental sciences and a video based guide on how to use Oxcal.
Longer courses are supplement by shorter videos covering key skills for geochemistry, aiming to provide a comprehensive learning platform for researchers at all levels. You will have access to forums for course participants, these are monitored and contributed to by the expert facility staff at NEIF and BOSCORF.